New art inbound

A teaser

7/21/20221 min read

Hi there!

It's that time of year again, and I've reached out for a new piece of official art. What's on the block this time? The Stonesinger playable race! A bit of a personal favourite, the Stonesingers are one of the oldest pieces of homebrew I've made, other than items. Truly strange and alien, the idea came from the boring trend of "human but with animal ears or one trait exemplified" and wanting to make something truly weird. Tripedal locomotion, vestigial eyes, and an inhuman, insectile form that precludes the use of many standard pieces of equipment, the Stonesingers typically generate an instant sense of repulsion from most standard, civilized humanoids. Stonesingers get their name from the gentle hum audible from the surface above their hives, most of which are densely tunnelled and erratic warrens, though some of the oldest hives hold a secret deep below, twisted masses of metallic stone that can prove difficult to find where they end and the tunnel begins. According to the little information Stonesingers have provided, these are their ancient ships they claim to have descended to the planet in.

Recently I've taken an interest in Spelljammer again due to the upcoming release, and as such I've been filling out some of the wildspace details, naming the region Shatterspace after the shattered remains of a planet two orbits past the planet housing Lakesht et al. The remains of most of a planet continues it's orbit, with a thick asteroid belt reaching out from the planet generally along the orbital path, an event called The Shattering that very nearly destabilised the region. Stonesinger ancestors on the planet were involved in some grand psionic construct that went awry. As part of this I've written a short piece of fiction of a Spelljammer crew travelling through Shatterspace and encountering an Arkesh derelict disabled by Stonesinger attack long ago.