Satellite Project

A taste of the Southern Reaches

8/10/20211 min read

I'm no good at honest and earnest self-promotion. It bears keeping in mind because it will definitely make an impact on the future of this project.

Traveller's Guide to the Toxic Seas failed to fund, which I was sad to see, but they've vowed to relaunch in October with an overhaul of the tier rewards and project transparency, I'll be sure to follow on and pledge again. But the lessons learned by the team made me all too aware of how easily I could fall into the same traps. It's probably important for me to get some elements of the Southern Reaches out into the community before I take a swing at crowdfunding. I've never expected to catch lightning in a bottle, I don't think I have the experience or skill to warrant that level of bravado, instead, I want to take a few preliminary steps to grease the wheels a little, ya know? In that vein I've started working on a little quasi-sideproject, a teaser for the Southern Reaches as a whole. Delve into the Stonegraves is a relatively short adventure I'm working on that doubles as that taste-test I'm chasing and an experiment in expanding a corner of the world that interests me in a organic way.

Of course, an adventure is a considerable change from what I've typically written, but it has been interesting getting the barebones down and trying to build up on this idea that has remained fairly static since inception. I want to try and keep things as setting agnostic as possible, with references or connections to SR content to expand on ideas if a player or DM are familiar. So far I haven't had any major hiccups there but we'll see. I'm foreseeing the making of a lot of maps ahead of me. I may stick to stock images for this one, unless I want to lean heavily on the ideas from the False Hydra document I have and forgo images.

A side benefit of this is that I've expanded on some of the ideas I've had for inter-faction cooperation and some of the creations featured heavily in Forger society or workplaces. Just gotta keep chipping away.