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A few words

4/4/20221 min read

Hi there, long time no see.

It has indeed been slow going as I'm sure is all too clear. Recently I've worked on a giant-themed Barbarian subclass while struck by inspiration and ported a few pieces of homebrew work over onto D&DBeyond. I'm also experimenting to converting my work from GMBinder back to Homebrewery, which seems to have seen some major revisions since I first tried it out more than two years ago.

A DM I play with has been so kind as to allow me to playtest the Adept in their new campaign. I'll be trying out the Metabolist subclass and gathering some feedback from DM and players alike. Failing that I'm possible trying out the Arkesh player race I've added to the website just today after going 3 or 4 revisions of it over time.

Like many I've been very absorbed by Elden Ring lately and often finding ideas or elements I'd similarly like to steal or build my own variant of, though whether they take part in the "canon" of SR or just some side stuff I'm unsure.

I don't have a lot to say here, just making sure to keep the lights on until I get another productive burst.